Luca Magliano, winner of the 2023 Karl Lagerfeld LVMH prize, has come a long way since founding his eponymous label in 2016 and debut show at Pitti Uomo in 2018. He is now collaborating for the 24s exclusive capsule « Parisian Playground » with both Satoshi Kuwata, designer of Setchu and Julie Pelipas, designer of Bettter. Magliano is based in his home town of Bologna. He has the typical Italian ability to blend genderless and oversized streetwear references with luxury style tailoring. Taking inspiration from the hectic energy of les Halles, Magliano designed, for this 24S capsule, a street suit paired with a tank top and printed accessories.


Iris Jeanson Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your design for the « Parisian Playground » capsule collection?

Luca Magliano Les Halles and Marché Saint-Pierre were the places that most inspired the collection. Markets generally are a sensory melting pot through which you can really grasp the pulse of a city, and this transcends geography.


IJ What is Paris for you?

LM A movie by Jean-Luc Godard, Written by Jean Genet, Starring Vincent Cassell


IJ How did you integrate streetwear influences and genderless designs into your piece while staying true to the Parisian theme?

LM Magliano is centered around celebrating a rough/normal-people kind of glamour and we do this by looking around, walking and wandering through the real people in the streets. The multifaceted nature of Paris was an inspiration for its many layers of style that define its glamour.


IJ Sustainability is definitely a key aspect of your label. Did it also influence your choices for this collection?

LM Yes, in the way that we worked to maintain our production chain as short as possible. Keeping our made in Italy production allowed us to avoid creating any sort of excess throughout the entire process and containing the impact of the collection.


IJ How does your Italian heritage inform your design aesthetic when creating for a Parisian shopping destination?

LM The values and visual vocabulary that make up Magliano aren’t just applied to the design aesthetic but overlap to a broader creative practice—it’s the lens through which all creative processes come to life.


IJ How does your relationship with manufacturers contribute to bringing your creations to life, given the evolving concept of savoir-faire and its adaptation to modern identity?

LM I love my relationship with the manufacturers, it’s a crucial moment in the design process when the idea of style becomes vibrant. And similarly, savoir-faire is an ever mutating concept, a legacy descending from a foreign past that ultimately adapts to the needs of modern identity.


IJ Where do you see your brand heading in the future?

LM For me it’s never about doing more, it’s about doing it better. I don’t want to drastically alter the business, distorting its purpose, what I want to do is engage in a cycle of perpetual improvement.


Photo: Magliano’s look for the 24S « Parisian Playground » campaign

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