Prada - Wool turtleneck


By Alice Butterlin

Revealed by Lars Von Trier in his 2014 film Nymphomaniac Vol. 2, which left audiences either disturbed or titillated, Mia Goth carved out her niche in the film world by steering clear of overly simple and obvious roles. Instead, she prefers to portray complex women who defy Hollywood clichés, like Milja in The Survivalist directed by Stephen Fingleton or Hannah in A Cure for Life directed by Gore Verbinski. Last year, she was back on the big screen in Luca Guadagnino’s highly anticipated remake of Dario Argento’s Suspiria, with a cast composed entirely of women. She also appeared opposite Robert Pattinson in Claire Denis’s High Life. Rediscover our interview with her from our December 2018 issue.

Your first big acting experience was in Lars Von Trier’s Nymphomanic Vol.2. Looking back, was it a good introduction to cinema?

It was my first time on a movie set and it was the greatest introduction to cinema. Lars is unparalleled as a director and I learned so much from working with him and all the incredibly talented actors on that set. It’s one of my most cherished memories.

You play in the new Suspiria by Luca Guadagnino. How did this project come about?

Luca and I had a Skype call and he shared with me how Suspiria has always been such an important film to him. He told me that what he wanted to create was less a remake and more of a reimagining; that he loves dance and has always seen it as such a poetic and vulnerable art form; that he really wanted to make an all female led film that explores our strength, resilience, vulnerabilities, and powers. This all sounded incredible to me. Then, about 10 months later, I had an audition and I got the role. I was in Brazil at the time and cut my trip short and went to Italy immediately.

What was your first impression of the original Suspiria film by Dario Argento? Is it an important film to you?

Of course! I love Dario Argento’s Suspiria. I think it’s such an exceptional film. From all those bright, gorgeous colors to the hypnotic Goblin soundtrack. It’s a masterpiece. Which is why it made it all the more exciting that Jessica Harper is in our film as I think she is so great in the original.

How did you prepare for the role of Sara? Did you enjoy portraying a dancer?

A big part of my preparation for this role was the dance training. I wanted to immerse myself in this world. This was my key into understanding Sara and everything about her. If somebody decides to become a dancer, they are dedicating their entire life to it. I felt that the more I did off screen, the less I would have to do on screen. Then you can kind of just be. And things can happen. And – hopefully – you wouldn’t be able to tell that I’ve never actually had any formal training before this movie. We were in the studio six days a week. Eight hours a day. I trained for two months before we began filming. It was intense but I loved the prep for this film. I think it was definitely aided by the fact I’ve had a long fascination for dance and dancers alike.

Did you run into any particular difficulties while shooting Suspiria?

The environment proved to be quite challenging at times. We were filming in this abandoned hotel, on top of a mountain, in the middle of winter. It was hard at times. But everyone on set was so considerate and kind that we quickly became a big family. We recognized we were all in it together and we supported each other the entire time.

What is your relationship to horror movies? Is it a genre that you gravitate towards? What was the first movie that you remember being scared by?

I love a great horror film. I think when they are made well they are extremely effective. They stay with you for days. I enjoy being frightened and taken out of my comfort zone. The first horror movie I remember ever watching was Child’s Play. And I was about 5 years old at the time. I don’t know how I got away with watching this entire film but it terrified me. So much so that I have never watched it again.

How much did the theme of Suspiria resonate with you in terms of feminism?

Suspiria is led by an all female cast. One of the many things that is so fantastic about Luca is that he knows how to direct women. He doesn’t gloss over any of our intricacies. He dives into them head first. And as a result, you get these wonderfully human characters who don’t have to be perfect. The film is a celebration of women. All types of women. It’s very much an exploration into our psyche and what drives us.

You also play in High Life, which comes out on November 7th in France. What was it like working with Claire Denis?

I love Claire. I have never met anyone like her. I don’t even know if you could call what we do “work.” You would show up on set and everyday was so exciting. It was so much fun. She’s not one for over analyzing scene work. She wants to see what will happen in the moment. She’s constantly searching for those spontaneous moments. I love how she looks at the world. She is in a state of constant awe and amazement. Like she is seeing the world for the first time. It’s so beautiful to be around that. She’s magic. I love how Claire Denis looks at the world. She is in a state of constant awe and amazement. Like she is seeing the world for the first time.

In general, what attracts you most to a role? Do you have a dream role you’d love to embody?

I’m drawn to people that are trying to overcome something. My favorite characters are messy and unafraid to be human. Imperfect women. I can connect to that most. My dream role is whichever role I am doing next. It’s such a privilege to do what I do and I feel so honored for every woman I get the chance to play.

When you’re involved in a film, how far are you willing to push yourself mentally and physically for a role?

I’ll do anything for my role.

Which directors or films have impacted you and inspired you to become an actress?

I think the Safdie Brothers are really special. Their films energize me and stay with me for a long time. I watched The Dreamers when I was about 11. That film left a huge impression on me.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not acting?

I enjoy being home. And cooking. I’ve started cooking a lot. I enjoy it. I put my music on, have a glass wine, and cook my meal. There’s something really relaxing about the entire process. I also enjoy painting, seeing friends. There are many things.

Do you think you may direct a movie in the future?

At the moment, my sole focus is to be the best actress I can be. I can’t really think about anything else right now.

You’ve been shot in campaigns for Miu Miu and Prada. What is your relationship to fashion?

Prada and Miu Miu have instilled in me a whole new appreciation and understanding for fashion. It’s such a powerful tool to express yourself with. Whether it’s for a character or just in your day-to-day life, it’s a really effective way to communicate with the world. I love that. It’s a form of art. 

Mia Goth in Prada Dress - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Printed jersey dress, leather and suede Sidonie bag, plexiglas necklace

Mia Goth in Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Jersey t-shirt, skirt in silk cloqué

Mia Goth in Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Jersey t-shirt, leather tank top

Mia Goth Prada- Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Jersey t-shirt

Mia Goth Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Printed jersey dress, leather and suede Sidonie bag, plexiglas necklace

Mia Goth in Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Jersey t-shirt, leather tank top

Mia Goth in Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Wool turtleneck

Mia Goth in Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Wool sweater

Mia Goth in Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Wool sweater, Jacket in printed jacquard

Mia Goth Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Wool sweater

Mia Goth Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Wool sweater, silk skirt, jersey skirt, leather patent shoes

Mia Goth Prada - Crash Magazine interview

Prada – Printed jersey dress


Photographer : Christopher Anderson @magnumphotos

Stylist : Andrej Skok

Model : Mia Goth @shelterpr

Make up : Mary Wiles @thewallgroup

Hair : Jillian Halouska @starworksgroup

Photo assistant: Spencer Ostrander

Styliste assistant : Katherine Graner

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