By Crash redaction
Starting tomorrow, Saturday September 6th, Gallery Vanessa Quang will be presenting « The Stolen Bird » contemporary art exhibition, curated by Paul Ardenne in Paris. The exhibition will feature the work of various artists with the theme of capturing the true, non-romanticized essence of the bird. Frank Perrin will be sharing his piece entitled « Political Eagle #02 » for the exhibition, as he seeks to breakthrough our conditioned response to associate images of certain birds with symbols of freedom, travel, or romance. The exhibition seeks to provide these various artists with the goal of seeking deep into human history to examine our relationship and artistic connection to birds. Whether it was with Ibis of ancient Egypt, to the companions of Saint Francis of Assis, we cannot deny that there is an inextricably human fascination with birds throughout our art and cultural history.
Today, creative minds like Frank Perrin and his contemporaries will seek to explore and bring forth the original essence of our fascination with the power and beauty of birds, without falling into the trap of preconceptions. The birds represented in « The Stolen Bird » exhibition will play a role both cognitively and symbolically – as they have done in the early centuries of man. By appropriating their individual images of the bird, the artists are discovering and stating their own positions in life through the consolidation of the form of their bird and their own creative spirit. The concept that the artist is the bird and the bird the artist is indeed the very ideal of contemporary art itself as it presents layers of meaning which are diverse, multi-formed, and open. From biological, ecological, to political, « The Stolen Bird » will be a multilayered exploration into not only the psyche of the various artists, but into our humanity as a whole.
Beginning September 6th running until October 18th at the Galerie Vanessa Quang. 7 Rue Filles Du Calvaire 75003, Paris.
Artists featured in « The Stolen Bird » exhibition include Frank Perrin, Conrad Bakker, Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen, Dan Beudean, Janet Biggs, Charley Case, Mat Collishaw, Carlos Franklin, Shaun Gladwell, Gerald Kerguillec, Martin Lord, Joanna Malinowska, Robert Montgomery, Fernando Prats, Julien Serve, Richard Texier, Lydia Venieri, and Eric Winarto.
Galerie Vanessa Quang Online