By Crash redaction
“Let’s turn the ocean plastic into something fantastic.” For their Fall-Winter 2014 collection, G-Star teamed up with Bionic Yard, The Vortex Project and Parley for the Oceans to offer designs with a strong environmental message to them, curated by none other than Pharrell Williams.
Ocean pollution has always been a burning issue and is reaching a critical point today as the weight of ocean waste triples that of the fish captured. Last February, environmental organizations Sea Shepard Conversation Society USA and Plastic Pollution Coalition have alerted about the gravity of plastic waste in the world’s oceans during a conference organized by G-Star. The renowned streetwear brand has decided to take a stand against ocean pollution by launching its first Raw for the Oceans collection using recycled plastic from the oceans, which has already allowed the recycling of 10 tons of ocean plastic waste.
G-Star’s initiative represents a real step forward in a more sustainable fashion as it uses eco-friendly fabrics created by Bionic Yarn that are a result of a complex procedure of ocean plastic transformation. Moreover, the Raw for the Oceans collection offers a unique reinterpretation of the marine theme with original patterns based on the campaign mascot Otto the Octopus to be found on tee-shirts, sweatshirts, pants, bomber jackets, hats and coats, all made of the high quality Bionic Yarn denim.
This first collection is set to be the beginning of a long collaboration between G-Star and Bionic Yarn and will be available in stores as of September 2014.
To learn more about Raw for the Ocrans: www.g-star.com/rawfortheoceans #GStarRAW #RAWfortheOceans If you want to support the mentioned environmental organizations, visit their websites: Bionic Yarn: www.bionicyarn.com Parley for the Oceans: www.parley.tv The Project Vortex: www.projectvortex.org