By Crash redaction
Jean Fournier (Claude Mann) is a young bank employee. After winning money on a roulette game, he decides to take a vacation to Nice, the place for gamblers. There he meets and soon falls in love with Jackie (Jeanne Moreau), divorced and mother of child she rarely visits. Love, gambling and gaming really are the leading themes of ths story, soon all turning into a dangerous addiction.
The idea of this movie came from Demy’s impression of casinos, where he discovered a unique form of community, a crowd of gamblers who seeks to help one another to « rise back up to the surface ».
Following « Lola », restored in 2012, Ciné-Tamaris undertook the restoration of Jacques Demy’s « Bay of Angels », made in 1962 with beautiful Jeanne Moreau.
This restauration in 2k digital based on a 4k scan of the original 35mm negative was made in association with « La Cinémathèque Françai », the « Archives Audiovisuelles de Monaco » and with the support of « The Franco American Cultural Fund ».
The restauration of the movie, waiting to be released on July 31, coincides in a larger event, in the form of the exhibition « Le Monde enchanté de Jacques Demy », over 300 prepararoty documents, photographies from the set and previous unpublished works have been displayed and featured in a 256 coffee-table book, co-published by Tamaris and Skira-Flammarion – available from April 10th.
« La baie des anges » de Jacques Demy – to be released on July 31.
Deborah De Groot
Jeanne Moreau (Jackie Demaistre),
Claude Mann (Jean Fournier),
Paul Guers (Caron), Henri Nassiet (Mr. Fournier, Jean’s father),
André Certes (bank manager), Nicole Chollet (Marthe)
Shot in 1962
Written and directed by Jacques Demy
Music Michel Legrand
Cinematography Jean Rabier
Sets and Costumes Bernard Evein
Sound André Hervée – Editing Anne-Marie Cotret
Running time: 1 hr 19 mins
« Le Monde enchanté de Jacques Demy »
Cinémathèque française – musée du Cinéma
From April 10th till August 4th
« Le Monde enchanté de Jacques Demy »
Cover photo: Catherine Deneuve and Jacques Demy – 1965 – New York
Photographer: Bert Stern
Publishers: Tamaris and Skira Flammarion – available on Amazon fom April 10
Photography by Agnes Varda
© 2013 Ciné-Tamaris