By Crash redaction
Gallery Yvon Lambert shows ‘The Story of IXO’ by norwegian artist Gardar Eide Einarsson’s first solo exhibition.
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Gardar Eide Einarsson used to develop several kind of works : painting on canvas, wall installations or photography. He works with elements from Western culture from skatebording, tattoo and music Punk) to reflect some tension identity within mass culture.
His work, mostly in black and white, play on the misunderstanding and the gap between evidence from the social field and formalist vocabulary
The exhibition is composed of a set of seven works which the device has been designed according to the usual process of the artist, as an overall system designed for the gallery space. All works exposed are created from a real object, which build the mythology of nothingness.
The Story of IXO, come under several themes: minimalist expression, refusal, and negation. Letters I, X and O (O as a stand in for zero/blankness/nothingness) are present in each work and tend to create the exhibition’s thread.
Céline Rey
Location : Yvon Lambert
Duration : March 15th – April 20th, 2013