By Chloe Edstein

With Series07, Prototypes continues to delve into football culture and its distinctive codes and figures. Previous seasons examined the sport’s roots in the working class, resisting its neoliberal commodification. This time, the design collective emphasizes the tribalism inherent in football’s fan communities. The dedication to a firm is echoed in a collective aesthetic, prioritizing unity over individuality.

This approach is evident in various aspects of the collection: masked faces suggest a desire for anonymity, football jerseys symbolize a commitment to shared values, and the motto « arte et labore » (by skill and labour) underscores this ethos. Prototypes highlights their dedication to craftsmanship with pinned silhouettes, garments shaped on the body, and spray-painted graphics, eschewing standardized screen prints in favour of an artisanal, DIY approach.

A common thread in all these elements is the ongoing exploration of silhouettes and their manipulation to serve individual aesthetic preferences and attitudes. For example, constriction can be used, seen, and felt in different contexts—oppression, kink, or comfort.

Discover Prototypes’ Spring-Summer ’25 Collection on Crash.

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