By Crash redaction
This year, the YIA Art Fair (Young International Artists) celebrates its seventh edition in Paris during FIAC, for an alternative experience dedicated to all contemporary art lovers and specialists. From October 20 to 23, YIA will showcase a selection of 65 international galleries in the rooms of Paris’ Carreau du Temple. This edition comes with a richer offering: aside the thoroughly curated selection of artists and galleries presented in the main space of Carreau du Temple, YIA Art Fair #07 offers a variety of experiences: A hors-les-murs parcours in the museums of the Marais district with dance performances, film screenings and talks is designed by a special curatorial committee lead by YIA artistic director Marion Zilio, and the museum of the National Archives will host « Pavillon de l’Exil. Première escale » curated by this year’s patron Mounir Fatmi, to name but a few of the various events. This edition of YIA is also the occasion to anchor the art fair as a major award for contemporary art: created in 2014, the award aims to support young artists and reward them for the quality of their artwork. He or she will be selected by a jury of experts and announced at the occasion of an event at Picasso museum on October 29th. Once again, YIA Art Fair announces an exciting programme and positions itself as the most relevant, high-end alternative to FIAC.

Vera Molnar, Sigma, Acrylic on Canvas, 80 x 80 cm, 1965 -2013. (Courtesy Galerie DAM, Berlin), Salon YIA ART FAIR #07 (Paris, Le Carreau du Temple)

Mathieu Roquigny, Hobergine, 2015, 100cm. Papier toilette imbibé d’encre et projeté sur la surface, Salon YIA ART FAIR #07 (Paris, Le Carreau du Temple)

PK, Dancing with the Flag II, 2016, charcoal, collage, pastel, bombe et papier, 69x57cm, Salon YIA ART FAIR #07 (Paris, Le Carreau du Temple)

Filippo Armellin (courtesy The Flat – Massimo Carasi, Milan) Copyright 2016 © ARMELLIN F. Salon YIA ART FAIR #07 (Paris, Le Carreau du Temple)

Hubert Marot, Dazzling, 2015 (Courtesy Galerie Anne de Villepoix), Salon YIA ART FAIR #07 (Paris, Le Carreau du Temple)

Andrés Ramirez, 63.193(x), Elleipsis through full light, 2016 Production Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain, Brest, exposition « Naturally Obscure ». Courtesy de l’artiste et Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro, © photo Aurélien Mole (Courtesy Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro), Salon YIA ART FAIR #07 (Paris, Le Carreau du Temple)