By Crash redaction
Zeno X Gallery is pleased to announce the representation of Belgian artist Martin Margiela.
Since 2009, Margiela has devoted himself exclusively to the visual arts. The artist will present his work to the public for the first time.
« Very early in my life I became obsessed with fashion and developed my own vision by presenting it in the most conceptual way possible. After many years the human body as only medium felt too narrow and the system became suffocating. I needed a wider spectrum with total freedom in creative expression and rediscovered my roots as a young boy in art school, enjoying pure creation without boundaries. Today I am proud to see my work recognized. »
– Martin Margiela
In October 2021, Margiela will present a first solo exhibition at Lafayette Anticipations Foundation in Paris, bringing together more than forty previously unseen works. Later that month Zeno X Gallery will present two sculptures by Martin Margiela at FIAC art fair.
Margiela’s first solo exhibition in Belgium will be presented in the spring of 2022.
« When I first saw Martin Margiela’s work, I instantly recognized that all of the themes he pursues are very personal. He approaches his subjects with an incredible sense of perfection, both in his paintings and sculptures as well as in his installations. We are thrilled to work with someone who has completely transformed the fashion world and who has now developed a very distinctive voice in the world of the visual arts as well. How exciting to be starting this new chapter with Martin.”
– Frank Demaegd, Zeno X Gallery, founder